“the most meaningful and meticulous cassette packaging i’ve come across...its own talisman to the monotony of society” -tabs out
never content is an interdependently organized and community-minded cassette label based in los angeles. the artists here are our family and each release represents a canonical piece of process within our lives. we specialize in limited edition cassettes, zines and compact discs paired with homemade companion objects like herb pouches, essential oils, teas, gemstones, journals and art prints. we also organize local events to support our adjascent communities and organizations. overall, we operate with the understanding that art is a vehicle for social transformation, collective liberation, and hope that our contributions help to illuminate these worlds.
despite our individual obscurity, every artist involved with the label has been present within interdependent arts ecosystems for some time. we’ve run our own community spaces, organized numerous festivals, have toured the country via house shows + diy spaces for most of our lives, been part of nationwide direct action coalitions, held mutual aid organizing above all else, and generally have a wild amount of knowledge and stories to share. if you’d like advice on self-releasing, touring for your first time, or are wondering how you can constructively participate in your local scene, please say hello and we’d love to offer some of our own inspirations. if you’re a journalist who’d like to receive advance downloads of our releases or a buyer who’d like to carry our wares in your shop, please be in touch. anything else? we’re here for you.
lastly, we own a tough little mackie pa that previously belonged to peaking lights. in the spirit of pa shares throughout the country we’d like to keep it communal for use within the city of los angeles. be in touch if you’re in need of amplification for an event and if our schedules align we’d love to provide your sound at an affordable sliding scale cost. from the beach to the desert it has served the people well. be well.
nevercontentclub (at) gmail (dot) com