we’ve made so many close friends over the years and hold deep appreciation for the likeminded & kindred spirits we have yet to cross paths with. here are a handful of the labels and communities that have been formative along our journey.
2220 Arts. 603^. alicia’s klassic kool shoppe. antiquated future. apothecary. as220. astral spirits. beyond baroque. blank forms. blue stockings. bob baker marionette theater. cached media. church of fun. church of holy colors. commend. constellation tatsu. crash symbols. critical resistance. the crown. cryptic carousel. cryptophasia. decoder. don giovanni. dreamhaus. dublab. echo curio. everyday ago. father/daughter. floating. fmly. geographic north. ghost city press. the glove. goodbye blue monday. happyfun hideaway. hausu mountain. heavy mess. holy underground. human resources. illuminated paths. inner islands. international anthem. in this together. issue project room. joshua tree zine fest. junior high. kchung. la plante. leaving records. the le sigh. los angeles zine fest. the media. milagros. moon glyph. mjmj. molasses books. museum of human achievement. no kings. not not fun. noumenal loom. palisades. pam residencies. patient sounds. pehrspace. perfect wave. portals. practical records. printed matter. profane illuminations. pulp arts. orchid tapes. orindal. outer space arcata. qtz fest. ratskin records. re/search publications. reflections. rhinoceropolis. sacred sea. safe place for youth. secret project robot. shea stadium. silent barn. slow editions. slumber mag. soft eyes. solid melts. sound as language. sounds of the dawn. sub rosa. susan’s. tabs out. tbd presents. tinymixtapes. tone glow. total bummer fest. unifactor. unseen worlds. vdsq. whitehaus. zorthian ranch. and many many many more.
2220 Arts. 603^. alicia’s klassic kool shoppe. antiquated future. apothecary. as220. astral spirits. beyond baroque. blank forms. blue stockings. bob baker marionette theater. cached media. church of fun. church of holy colors. commend. constellation tatsu. crash symbols. critical resistance. the crown. cryptic carousel. cryptophasia. decoder. don giovanni. dreamhaus. dublab. echo curio. everyday ago. father/daughter. floating. fmly. geographic north. ghost city press. the glove. goodbye blue monday. happyfun hideaway. hausu mountain. heavy mess. holy underground. human resources. illuminated paths. inner islands. international anthem. in this together. issue project room. joshua tree zine fest. junior high. kchung. la plante. leaving records. the le sigh. los angeles zine fest. the media. milagros. moon glyph. mjmj. molasses books. museum of human achievement. no kings. not not fun. noumenal loom. palisades. pam residencies. patient sounds. pehrspace. perfect wave. portals. practical records. printed matter. profane illuminations. pulp arts. orchid tapes. orindal. outer space arcata. qtz fest. ratskin records. re/search publications. reflections. rhinoceropolis. sacred sea. safe place for youth. secret project robot. shea stadium. silent barn. slow editions. slumber mag. soft eyes. solid melts. sound as language. sounds of the dawn. sub rosa. susan’s. tabs out. tbd presents. tinymixtapes. tone glow. total bummer fest. unifactor. unseen worlds. vdsq. whitehaus. zorthian ranch. and many many many more.